- Integrates relaxation, meditation, breathing and postural techniques.
- Helps to develop/regain balance
- Promotes harmonious movement
- Improves suppleness of joints and muscles
- Coordination skills are improved
- The mind is stimulated
- Martial Art
My name is Andrea Kocache. In September 2000 Tai Chi found me in the form of an Adult Education class. Soon my teacher introduced me to a visiting Shaolin Monk who inspired me further. In 2003 the path led to London, to Chen style Tai Chi, with Sifu Wang Hai Jun, with whom I have studied ever since.
As well as attending the monthly weekend seminars, I take part in Easter and summer camps every year. These week-long seminars so far have covered Lao Jia Yi Lu, Er Lu, Sword form, Sabre form (Broadsword), Guan Dao, Spear, Xin Jia Yi Lu, Double Sabre, and push hands. In 2008 visiting China I won a gold medal, performing Lao Jia (Yi Lu) in Zhengzhou. In 2013 another China visit, this time to Jiaozuo International Competition, and silver for both Lao Jia (Yi Lu/Er Lu) and for Sword form. 2018 ChenJiagou:Gold for Lao Jia Yi Lu/Er Lu mix and silver for sword.
I am a listed Instructor with Tai Chi Union of Great Britain since 2006.
All ages and abilities are welcome to my classes.
The oldest student so far is 92 years of age, the youngest presently 18, both doing well.
Organisations worked with/working for include:
Other interests include
Massage and Horse riding.
The Tai Chi class I attend has a very friendly atmosphere.
I have been learning Chen style Tai Chi with Andrea for many years. Her dedication is inspiring and she is a patient and gentle teacher, never allowing you to think "you can’t" so that eventually you realise to your surprise that you actually "can”.
Attending Andrea's classes has heightened my awareness of space, balance and posture and how physical position has immediate impact on both body and mind.
I started Tai Chi as a form of exercise that I could take into my older age and it is, but it is so much more than that. I feel that I am on a wonderful journey to which there is no definite end, but it is the journey that counts. I am really looking forward to all of the places that I am going to visit on the way, both physically and mentally. With Andrea, I have the perfect tour guide to help me understand what I am seeing and feeling.